You would make a great Media Officer

Media Officers are based within the Communications Department at Cats Protection.

They promote and publicise the charity’s key campaigns and events via the media by speaking with journalists and other media professionals.

They also support media volunteers around the country and help them to promote their local branch or centre.

  • Researching, writing and sending out press releases and images to media professionals for use in newspapers, magazines and websites
  • Planning and organising media campaigns to communicate the charity’s key messages and events
  • Monitoring the media to identify publicity opportunities for Cats Protection
  • Working with the charity’s staff and volunteers as well as media professionals to arrange interviews for radio and television
  • Providing advice and information to the charity’s Media Volunteers
  • Protecting and enhancing the reputation of the charity by responding to queries and providing comments to media as necessary

You’ll need a relevant qualification in PR or journalism for this role, as well as excellent communication skills and a flair for writing. Although you won’t be working directly with cats, you’ll learn lots about them.

Building relationships with people. You’ll spend a lot of your time communicating with others, from journalists to volunteers, as well as shouting about the excellent work of Cats Protection.

What's the best thing about being a Media Officer?

"It’s great to have a job where I can combine my professional skills with my long-standing love of cats. Through promoting the work of Cats Protection, I know I am helping cats all over the UK and that’s a brilliant feeling!"

Want to volunteer for Cats Protection?

Volunteering could be a great way to gain valuable experience in animal welfare. It could also give you the opportunity to try a range of different activities to see what you’d like to focus on in the future.


We’re lucky enough to have over 10,000 volunteers working across Cats Protection, focusing their efforts on every aspect of the organisation. From rehoming cats and looking after them in our centres and branches, to fundraising in our charity shops and running events across the country – they are integral to the work we do.

For many roles, you must be over the age of 18 to volunteer with Cats Protection. If you’re keen to learn more, head to our volunteering section or find your local branch to see how you can help them.