You would make a great Community Neutering Officer

Community Neutering Officers are responsible for the support of one of Cats Protection’s key aims – neutering.

Working with the general public, communities and other charities, they raise awareness of neutering and promote various projects as well as encouraging local support.

  • Engaging with members of local communities to raise awareness of neutering
  • Coordinating events and activities which aim to change human behaviour to deliver long-lasting impact for cats
  • Delivering talks and presentations to mixed groups about the importance of neutering cats
  • Recruiting and supporting volunteers to act as champions for projects in their own communities
  • Developing programmes and awareness-raising events and activities for all age groups
  • Collaborating with other charities and groups to spread the neutering message

You’ll need GCSEs in Maths and English (Grade C or above) or equivalent. A qualification in a Community Development subject is a bonus, as is an animal welfare qualification. A large part of the job is communication and teamwork, so you’ll need experience of working with a range of community groups and be a confident communicator.

Running their own projects and helping spread a vital message for the charity.

What's the best thing about being a Community Neutering Officer?

There’s the opportunity to combine practical and creative skills to design local community projects that will leave a lasting benefit for cats, people and communities. Promoting neutering is so important as it is the only humane and effective way to tackle cat overpopulation. I feel really lucky to be part of this unique team making a difference to the lives of both cats and people.

Want to volunteer for Cats Protection?

Volunteering could be a great way to gain valuable experience in animal welfare. It could also give you the opportunity to try a range of different activities to see what you’d like to focus on in the future.


We’re lucky enough to have over 10,000 volunteers working across Cats Protection, focusing their efforts on every aspect of the organisation. From rehoming cats and looking after them in our centres and branches, to fundraising in our charity shops and running events across the country – they are integral to the work we do.

For many roles, you must be over the age of 18 to volunteer with Cats Protection. If you’re keen to learn more, head to our volunteering section or find your local branch to see how you can help them.