- Ethology
- Genetic impacts on behaviour
- Learning and impacts of previous experiences
- Relationship between environment and behaviour
- Impacts of medical conditions on behaviour
- Cat communication
Level 1
- Assist with the care of animals
- Assist with the movement and handling of small animals
Level 2
- Introduction to the principles and practices of animal behaviour and handling
Level 3
- Practical animal husbandry
- Animals in boarding establishments
- Animal behaviour
Level 4
- Animal behaviour in society
- Evolution and adaptations
Level 1
- Assist with maintaining the health and wellbeing of animals
- Assist with the care of animals
- Assist with the movement, handling and accommodation of animals
- Assist with feeding and watering
- Assist with the preparation and maintenance of animal accommodation
- Assist with handling and restraint of animals
- Animals in the wild and in society
Level 2
- Introduction to the principles and practices of animal behaviour and handling
Level 3
- Understand and promote animal health
- Manage animal accommodation
- Understand and interpret animal behaviour and communication
- Understand animal welfare and breed development
- Undertake kennel and cattery management
- Undertake animal training
- Animal behaviour
- Animal welfare
- Companion animal handling and first aid
- Small animal husbandry
- Specialist animal care – small mammals
- Applied companion animal behaviour